Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) RPA 13 & 18
BackMAPA was awarded planning funds through the FY23 grant application cycle and will be leading the development of a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan (CSAP) for Regional Planning Affiliations 13 & 18 in Iowa. This plan will encompass the cities of Atlantic, Clarinda, Red Oak and Shenandoah in RPA-13 and the cities of Glenwood, Harlan and Missouri Valley in RPA-18.
Through the development of the comprehensive safety action plan, we will locate key areas of safety concern and establish solutions that our member jurisdictions can use to increase safety and reduce traffic fatalities and serious injuries in our region. Strategies and projects included in the CSAP will be eligible for future implementation funding.
MAPA is advertising a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for consultant support for this project as of late November 2024, with plan development expected to begin in spring or summer 2025. Visit our RFP/RFQ page to view current RFPs or RFQs or to sign up for our RFP/RFQ mailing list!
To address the dramatic rise in traffic deaths and serious injuries, the US Department of Transportation (USDOT) is making an ambitious long term goal of reaching zero deaths and serious injuries on the nation’s highways, roads, and streets.
Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) is a competitive grant program that will improve traffic safety by supporting local communities in the development of safety action plans and the implementation of projects which reduce traffic fatalities and serious injuries on the local road network.
MAPA was awarded additional funding through the Safe Streets for All program to develop a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan for an area that includes Douglas and Sarpy Counties in Nebraska, as well as the cities of Council Bluffs, Carter Lake, Crescent and McClelland in Iowa. For more information on that project, visit
Each county in Iowa is developing a safety plan for county roads. This effort is funded through a separate grant from the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) program. County plans will be considered during CSAP development.
The City of Omaha’s Vision Zero Action Plan (VZAP) is complete and available at MAPA supported development of the plan and will work to support plan implementation. The MAPA CSAP will incorporate the Omaha VZAP, and extend the safety planning process to the remainder of the MAPA SS4A Study Area.