Section 5310 Program


MAPA is the designated recipient for the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) Section 5310: Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities program. This page includes information for agencies looking to apply for funding and resources for awardees.

Program Management & Selected Projects

As the designated recipient of these funds for the Omaha-Council Bluffs area MAPA must maintain a Program Management Plan as well as a Coordinated Transit Committee (CTC). Both help MAPA to make decisions regarding funding and offer stakeholders ways to stay informed about the program. The CTC also helps MAPA develop and maintain a Coordinated Transit Plan to set mobility related goals for the region.

Projects selected using the framework established in the Coordinated Transit Plan and Program Management Plan are programmed in MAPA’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), which is accessible online. To see the current list of 5310 projects follow the link above to the TIP landing page, select the most recent TIP, click the link on that page to the online database, then navigate to the FTA Section 5310 Program under the Project Tables menu.


Information on eligible recipients and activities can be found on the FTA’s website.

In the simplest terms, Section 5310 funds are to be spent on transportation for disabled and elderly individuals. Eligible recipients include non-profits, government entities, and for-profit businesses providing shared-ride service.


From October 29, 2021 through January 7, 2022, MAPA is calling for projects to be included in the FY2023-2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Section 5310 projects are selected according to the process laid out in MAPA’s Program Management Plan. To be considered for 5310 funding, please proceed to MAPA’s TIP database and enter your organization’s information to create an account. Further instructions can be found on that page.

Questions about the 5310 Program and applications should be directed to Court Barber (, 402-444-6866 x3219).

Awardee Resources

If you have already been awarded funds and are looking for more information about the next steps in the process, please see the Awardee Resources page.

Data, Maps & Downloads