Amendment 9 (FY2016 TIP)


Amendment 9 to the FY2016 Transportation Improvement Program
Control#Project NameLead AgencyRevision Note

NE-00955 Nebraska Statewide Van Pool NDOR Program $48,000 of CMAQ funding and $48,000 of FTA Sec. 5311 funding in FY2016 for CON, program $61,800 of CMAQ  and $72,000 of FTA Sec. 5311 funding in FY2017 for CON, and program $76,320 of CMAQ and $84,000 of FTA Sec. 5311 funding in FY2018 for CON
N-370 & 96th Street Intersection Project Papillion Program $29,520 of HSIP funding in FY2016 for PE-NEPA-FD, program $23,130 of HSIP funding in FY2017 for PE-NEPA-FD, and program $195,660 of HSIP funding in FY2017 for UTIL-CON-CE
NE-22702 72nd & Maple Intersection Improvement Omaha Program $224,143 of HSIP funding in FY2017 for PE-NEPA-FD, program $208,708 of HSIP funding in FY2018 for ROW, program $104,342 of HSIP funding in FY2018 for UTIL-CON-CE, and program $2,742,960 of HSIP funding in FY2019 for UTIL-CON-CE
MET-11242014-001 Bus Rapid Transit Metro Reduce FY2016 FTA 5307 funding to $1,361,000 for Capital Expenditures, program $89,000 local funding for Capital Expenditures as Advance Construction in FY2018, and program $89,000 of TAP-MAPA funding in FY2019 as Advance Construction Conversion
IA-29499 9th and 10th Street Bridge Replacement Council Bluffs Update project location to “In the City of Council Bluffs on Creek Top Road between 9th and 10th Streets including the intersections of 9th and 10th”
IA-34865 Eastern Hills Drive – Segment C Council Bluffs Program $739,000 of DPS in FY2016 for UTIL-CON-CE and program $2,500,000 of DPS funding in FY2017 for UTIL-CON-CE
IA-13414 East Beltway Segments A-D Council Bluffs Eliminate FY2016 PE-NEPA-FD phase, eliminate FY2017 ROW phase, and reduce FY2018 DPS funding to $1,423,000 for UTIL-CON-CE
30th Street Road Diet Omaha Program $211,617 of HSIP funding for PE-NEPA-FD in FY2016 and  program $1,561,296 of HSIP funding in FY2019 for UTIL-CON-CE
NE-22506 24th Street Road Diet Omaha Reprogram PE-NEPA-FD phase to FY2018, program $91,550 of State funding for PE-NEPA-FD in FY2018, reprogram ROW phase to FY2018, reprogram UTIL-CON-CE phase to FY2019, and program $1,397,550 of state funding for UTIL-CON-CE in FY2019 to merge project with

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