Amendment 9 (FY2016 TIP)
BackAmendment 9 to the FY2016 Transportation Improvement Program
Control#Project NameLead AgencyRevision Note
NE-00955 | Nebraska Statewide Van Pool | NDOR | Program $48,000 of CMAQ funding and $48,000 of FTA Sec. 5311 funding in FY2016 for CON, program $61,800 of CMAQ and $72,000 of FTA Sec. 5311 funding in FY2017 for CON, and program $76,320 of CMAQ and $84,000 of FTA Sec. 5311 funding in FY2018 for CON |
N-370 & 96th Street Intersection Project | Papillion | Program $29,520 of HSIP funding in FY2016 for PE-NEPA-FD, program $23,130 of HSIP funding in FY2017 for PE-NEPA-FD, and program $195,660 of HSIP funding in FY2017 for UTIL-CON-CE | |
NE-22702 | 72nd & Maple Intersection Improvement | Omaha | Program $224,143 of HSIP funding in FY2017 for PE-NEPA-FD, program $208,708 of HSIP funding in FY2018 for ROW, program $104,342 of HSIP funding in FY2018 for UTIL-CON-CE, and program $2,742,960 of HSIP funding in FY2019 for UTIL-CON-CE |
MET-11242014-001 | Bus Rapid Transit | Metro | Reduce FY2016 FTA 5307 funding to $1,361,000 for Capital Expenditures, program $89,000 local funding for Capital Expenditures as Advance Construction in FY2018, and program $89,000 of TAP-MAPA funding in FY2019 as Advance Construction Conversion |
IA-29499 | 9th and 10th Street Bridge Replacement | Council Bluffs | Update project location to “In the City of Council Bluffs on Creek Top Road between 9th and 10th Streets including the intersections of 9th and 10th” |
IA-34865 | Eastern Hills Drive – Segment C | Council Bluffs | Program $739,000 of DPS in FY2016 for UTIL-CON-CE and program $2,500,000 of DPS funding in FY2017 for UTIL-CON-CE |
IA-13414 | East Beltway Segments A-D | Council Bluffs | Eliminate FY2016 PE-NEPA-FD phase, eliminate FY2017 ROW phase, and reduce FY2018 DPS funding to $1,423,000 for UTIL-CON-CE |
30th Street Road Diet | Omaha | Program $211,617 of HSIP funding for PE-NEPA-FD in FY2016 and program $1,561,296 of HSIP funding in FY2019 for UTIL-CON-CE | |
NE-22506 | 24th Street Road Diet | Omaha | Reprogram PE-NEPA-FD phase to FY2018, program $91,550 of State funding for PE-NEPA-FD in FY2018, reprogram ROW phase to FY2018, reprogram UTIL-CON-CE phase to FY2019, and program $1,397,550 of state funding for UTIL-CON-CE in FY2019 to merge project with |