Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)



The Transportation Alternatives Program provides federal funding for a variety of smaller-scale transportation projects such as pedestrian and bicycle facilities, recreational trails, safe routes to school projects, community improvements such as historic preservation and vegetation management, and environmental mitigation related to stormwater and habitat connectivity.

MAPA is required to select projects under this program using a competitive process.


Eligible projects generally include the construction, planning, and design of on-road and off-road facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other non-motorized forms of transportation. Projects related to infrastructure that help to provide safe routes for non-drivers are also eligible. For a complete list, please see the project selection policy guide at the link below.

Eligible applicants include:

  • Local governments
  • Regional transportation authorities
  • Transit agencies
  • Natural resource or public land agencies
  • School districts
  • Tribal governments
  • Nonprofit entities responsible for the administration of local transportation safety programs
  • Other local or regional governmental agencies with responsibility for, or oversight of, transportation or recreational trails


See the policy guide and call for projects page for more information on how to apply for TAP-MAPA funding.