FY2025 RPA-18 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)



The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a four-year document that discusses fedrally-funded transportation projects. This annual document includes all types of transportation projects that are funded through the US Department of Transportation (USDOT) including highway maintnance or expansion, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, bridge improvement, and safety projects.

The TIP is a four-year document that discusses federally funded transportation projects within the boundaries of RPA-18 for FY 2025, 2026, 2027, and 2028 (FY starts on Oct 1). The TIP is an annual work product that is a federal requirements of all Metropolian Planning Organizations (MPOs) and a requirement of Iowa DOT for all RPAs. Projects include highway maintnance or expansion, trail facilities, bridge improvementprojects, and safety projects among others. Regionally funded projects were selected by the RPA Policy Board and Technical Committee in March of this year, based on established regional priorities in alignment with the RPA’s Long Range Transportation Plan.


  • Technical Committee & Board review of Draft TIP……………………May 22, 2024
  • Public Comment period for Draft TIP………………………………………May 23 to June 21
  • Draft TIP due to Iowa DOT for review and comment……………….. June 15
  • Technical Committee & Board approval of Final TIP………………….July 10, 2024
  • Final TIP due to Iowa DOT…………………………………………………….. July 15

Please direct any questions regarding the RPA-18 TIP to rpa@mapacog.org 

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