Broadband Speed Testing initiative

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Are you frustrated with slow, or erratic internet service?  

Nebraskans and residents in Pottawattamie and Mills Counties in Iowa can take the Broadband Speed Test, a crowd-sourcing project that will gather data needed to expand internet home access for distance learning, telework and telehealth. 

The speed test data will be used to develop a better understanding of our internet capabilities, and provide key data to guide decision making in efforts to enhance and expand them.

Take the Test Here: or

Speed data will provide decision makers a better understanding of where internet accessibility is limited or not available, and where speeds are not meeting the needs of today’s users. The purpose of the initiative is to bridge the digital divide between urban and rural areas. The captured information will provide statistically sound data that can be used by communities, counties, and key stakeholders as they plan for broadband infrastructure expansion or enhancement projects.

Broadband internet access is a vital part of the modern economy and the economic development of rural Nebraska and Iowa is tied more and more to broadband connectivity. Due to the impact of COVID 19, there has been a higher need for broadband internet accessibility. In Iowa and Nebraska, students, residents, employees and local business owners have struggled with basic modern-day tasks, as much of their operations have moved online.

Take the Broadband Speed Test at: or



Broadband 101: How to improve Internet Access in Our Region

Why Broadband/Fiber is Important: A Conversation with Stakeholders

Political & Regulatory Challenges

A Conversation with Internet Service Providers


Technical Glossary

News Release – Broadband Testing Initiative (English)

News Release – Broadband Testing Initiative (Spanish)