RPA-18 Passenger Transportation Plan 2024-29


The Passenger Transportation Plan (PTP) is a long-term planning document for the regions of RPA-13 and RPA-18 in Southwest Iowa to promote coordinated transportation planning and create a needs-based project justification for all passenger transportation programs including public transit and human service transportation. RPA-13 is administered by the Southwest Iowa Planning Council (SWIPCO) and RPA-18 is administered by the Metropolitan Area Planning Agency (MAPA).

The following goals were identified by the Iowa Department of Transportation as justification for Regional Planning Affiliations statewide to develop passenger transportation plans:
1. Improve transportation services
2. Increase passenger transportation coordination
3. Create awareness of unmet needs
4. Develop new working partnerships
5. Assist decision-makers, advocates, and consumers in understanding the range of transportation options available
6. Develop justification for future passenger transportation investments
7. Eliminate overlapping of services

The document is meant to provide a better understanding of the passenger transportation services provided and guidance for future decisions. It is designed to coordinate health and
human service, transportation, and public transit to promote and further the development of the region’s public transportation system.

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