Beltway Feasibility Study


As the Omaha-Council Bluffs metropolitan area (metro) continues to grow, the demands on the transportation system grow with it. Over the last 20 years the metro area has pushed out beyond the current freeway system and rising congestion levels indicate the need for additional transportation infrastructure to serve future needs. Transportation investment has become less proactive and more reactionary over the past 20 years. Maintaining the current transportation network is a significant challenge given the dwindling funding resources. As such, planning for the future and providing a transportation system that meets the demands is challenging.

Based upon these factors, it was prudent for the Metropolitan Area Planning Agency (MAPA) to investigate a possible need for a new high capacity roadway system to serve growth and reduce congestion in the metro area. To ensure the study met the expectations and needs of the metro area a Steering Committee comprised of key local agency representatives was established. The Steering Committee provided oversight and guidance for study activities. Additionally, stakeholder meetings were held to provide information about study activities and gather input from interested groups in the community.

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