Amendment 1 (FY2017 TIP)


Amendment 1 to the FY2017 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

Control # Project Name Lead Agency Revision Note
NE-22376 156th Street Phase Two Omaha Program $2,840,000 of STBG-MAPA funding in FY2017 for ROW, program $321,600 of STBG-MAPA in FY2018 for UTIL, and $13,708,000 of STBG-MAPA funding in FY2018 for CON and CE
NE-22288 36th Street Phase II Bellevue Increase PE-NEPA-FD funding in FY2017 to $765,000
NE-22608 Omaha Signal Infrastructure – Phase 0 Omaha Program $372,000 of STBG-MAPA funding in FY2017 for UTIL-CON-CE
NE-00955 Nebraska Statewide Van Pool NDOR Reprogram FY2016 project phase to FY2017, reprogram FY2017 project phase to FY2018, and reprogram FY2018 project phase to FY2019
NE-22321 OPS McMillan Middle School SRTS Project Omaha Program $140,000 of SRTS funding in FY2017 for UTIL-CON-CE
NE-22685 Sign Management Inventory Omaha Program $300,000 of HSIP funding in FY2017 for UTIL-CON-CE
NE-22411 Valley D.C. Safe Routes to School Valley Program $45,000 of SRTS funding in FY2017 for ROW and increase FY2017 SRTS funding for UTIL-CON-CE to $182,500
FY2017 MAPA TIP Document MAPA Increase STBG beginning balance to $54,500,000 in Table 3.3
NE-22277 120th Street Omaha Reprogram $8,762,580 of STBG-MAPA funding from FY2018 to FY2021 for UTIL-CON-CE
