Amendment 1 (FY2016 TIP)


Amendment 1 to the FY2016 Transportation Improvement Program.

Control# Project Name Lead Agency Revision Note
NE-22571 North Downtown Riverfront Pedestrian Bridge Omaha Program $78,000 of TAP-MAPA funding for PE-NEPA-FD in FY2016 and reprogram $1,030,000 of TAP-MAPA funding from FY2019 to FY2017 for CON
NE-22659 Schram Road 84th Street to 90th Street Papillion Project removed from the FY2016 TIP, STP-MAPA funding deprogrammed
NE-22608 Omaha Signal Infrastructure – Phase 0 Omaha New project; program $372,000 of STP-MAPA funding in FY2016 for CON
NE-22608A Omaha Signal Infrastructure – Phase A Omaha Reduce STP-MAPA funding in FY2016 for CON to $2,710,000
NE-22587 Omaha Signal Network – System Management Omaha Increase STP-MAPA funding in FY2016 for PE-NEPA-FD to $800,000 and program $205,781 in FY2017  for PE-NEPA-FD
NE-22591 Omaha ATMS Central System Software Omaha Increase STP-MAPA funding in FY2016 for CON to $1,000,000
NE-22236 114th Street Omaha Program $384,000 of STP-MAPA funding in FY2016 for ROW
NE-22277 120th Street Omaha Program $433,000 of STP-MAPA funding in FY2016 for PE-NEPA-FD, reprogram $824,000 of STP-MAPA funding for ROW and UTIL-CON from FY2016 to FY2017, and reprogram $8,019,000 of STP-MAPA funding from FY2017 to FY2018 for CON
NE-22605 2014 Omaha Resurfacing Package Omaha Program $735,000 of AC Conversion in FY2016 and reduce AC Conversion in 2021 to $2,577,770
NE-22237 108th Street Omaha Program $60,000 of STP-MAPA funding in FY2016 for PE-NEPA-FD
NE-22233 156th Street Bennington Program $138,020 of STP-MAPA funding in FY2016 for PE-NEPA-FD
NE-22321 OPS McMillan Middle School SRTS Project Omaha Project added; program $140,000 of SRTS funding in FY2016 for CON
NE-22410 Westbrook Safe Routes To School Omaha Project added; program $253,000 of SRTS funding in FY2016 for CON
NE-22283 132nd and Giles Sarpy Program $80,000 of STP-MAPA funding in FY2016 for ROW and $240,000 of STP-MAPA funding in FY2016 for UTIL
NE-22438 132nd Street Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Omaha New project; program $771,966 of HSIP funding in FY2016 for CON
NE-22482 Dodge Street Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Omaha New project; program $1,237,410 of HSIP funding in FY2016 for CON
NE-22449 144th Street Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Omaha New project; program $1,010,081 of HSIP funding in FY2016 for CON
NE-22376 156th Street Phase Two Omaha Program $515,000 of STP-MAPA funding in FY2016 for ROW
NE-22209 168th Street Omaha Program $212,000 of STP-MAPA funding in FY2016 for PE-NEPA-FD and reprogram $289,000 of STP-MAPA funding from FY2016 to FY2017 for ROW
NE-22210 168th Street Omaha Program $212,000 of STP-MAPA funding in FY2016 for PE-NEPA-FD, reprogram $349,000 of STP-MAPA funding from FY2016 to FY2017 for ROW, and reprogram $4,520,000 of STP-MAPA funding from FY2017 to FY2018 for CON
NE-22325 Q Street Bridge Omaha Program $127,000 of STP-MAPA funding in FY2016 for ROW
NE-22570 66th and Giles Sarpy Program $200,000 of STP-MAPA funding in FY2018 for ROW
NE-22685 Sign Management Inventory Omaha New project; program $300,000 of HSIP funding in FY2016 for CON
NE-22506 24th Street Road Diet Omaha Eliminate FY2017 TAP-MAPA funding; program $297,909 of HSIP funding in FY2016 for PE-NEPA-FD, program $71,100 of HSIP funding in FY2017 for ROW, and program $2,639,327 of HSIP funding in FY2018 for CON

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