Pott. County Housing Trust Fund Announces 2020 Grants
Eight organizations that are involved with housing-related work benefitting low-to-moderate income residents will receive funding from the Pottawattamie County Housing Trust Fund’s (PottCoHTF) 2020 application cycle. The trust fund awarded a total of $203,213 in grants.
The following applicants will receive funding:
- The 712 Initiative – $20,000 for down payment assistance associated with an acquisition/rehabilitation program
- Council Bluffs Municipal Housing Agency – $35,000 for bathroom renovations at Regal Towers in Council Bluffs
- Heartland Family Service – $50,000 for rental rehabilitation at the Iowa Family Works Facility in Council Bluffs
- Hawkeye LP – $10,000 for window replacement at the Hawkeye Apartments in Carson, Iowa
- Connections Area Agency on Aging – $24,000 for continuation of barrier removal and emergency repairs for elderly homeowners in Pottawattamie County
- Pottawattamie County General Assistance – $25,000 for emergency rental assistance in Pottawattamie County
- Timothy House Supportive Housing – $29,213 for flooring replacement and security improvements
- Interfaith – $10,000 for emergency rental assistance in Pottawattamie County
All funding must be expended on projects benefitting people below 80% of the federal median family income limit.
Prior to 2020, the Pottawattamie County Housing Trust Fund operated as the Council Bluffs Housing Trust Fund.
“The Pottawattamie County Housing Trust Fund is pleased that we were able to expand our service area to include all of Pottawattamie County starting with grant year 2020, and have allowed our grant recipients to expand their service areas to improve affordable housing for more households,” said Gloria Ruesch, Pottawattamie County Housing Trust Fund Board President.
Each year the Pottawattamie County Housing Trust Fund allocates funding to organizations or individuals that serve the housing needs of low to moderate income residents within Pottawattamie County, Iowa.
Since 2011, the PottCoHTF has funded more than $1.5 million in grants, with projects including both rehabilitation and expansion of housing units available.
As the grant administrator for the Pottawattamie County Housing Trust Fund, MAPA provides staff services including preparation of annual housing assistance plans and grant applications, project and financial management, and ensures compliance with Iowa Finance Authority requirements