On-Call Planning Services Request for Qualifications (RFQ)

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The schedule for this RFQ was amended on 03/03/2025 to extend the deadline.

The Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area Planning Agency (MAPA) is issuing a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) from qualified firms with experience in planning.

MAPA seeks statements of qualifications from consulting planning, engineering, and other related firms.

Interested consultants must be certified by NDOT or have a completed certification form on file with NDOT prior to the date and time listed in the Project Schedule for at least one of the work categories anticipated on this project:

100 – Corridor Studies
102 – Transportation Planning
105 – Railroad Planning
115 – Other Environmental Studies
120 – Roadway Design
130 – Bridge Design
140 – Traffic Operations Studies & Designs
145 – Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
170 – Airport Planning Services
171 – Airport Survey (FAA-18B Survey)
210 – Engineering Surveying
250 – Public Involvement

Download: On-Call Planning Services Request for Qualifications (RFQ) (amended 03/03/2025)

Proposals must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. CDT on April 9, 2025 (amended 03/03/2025).

Questions on this RFQ were due to MAPA by February 26, 2025. Answers to all questions received are below.


Q: Will all of the planning projects that were awarded last year (FY-25) now go through the MAPA on-call for consultant selection?

A: Not necessarily all of them, but MAPA expects many of them will. Some of the planning projects previously awarded funding through MAPA have already begun and others may still be delivered through other procurement processes.


Q: Will selected consultants be able to add additional firms for a project, or will they be limited to the firms that are part of the Proposal?

A: Firms will be limited to those that are part of the proposal. Essentially, only firms included in the master service agreements, whether primes or subs, will be assigned work as part of the established on-call list.


Q: Given the broad scope of work, will responses be rated based on their ability to cover every potential work area (ie, multimodal planning, traffic engineering, supply chain analysis, etc.)?  Or could a firm still receive a high rating if they are strong in a particular area, but not all of them? 

A: A firm can still receive a high rating if strong in a particular area. Firms do not need to be able to complete all potential tasks and should demonstrate what they are capable of, highlighting any areas of particular ability.


Q: Is the maximum number of pages 31 or 36?  ie, are the 11×17 pages in addition to the 8.5 x 11 pages?

A: The maximum number is 36; the 11×17 and 8.5×11 pages should be combined to form a total allowance.


Q: Will MAPA allow an 11×17 for the project org chart in lieu of the two 8.5 x 11 pages?

A: Yes. Consider the table in the Submittal Requirements section amended to allow two (2) 8.5×11 pages OR one (1) 11×17 page.


Q: The proposal due date is shown [in the schedule on page 8], but there is no time for submittal. Does that mean MAPA would like the submission in by 5 p.m. CST?

A: Submissions are due by 4:30 p.m. CDT. Although not stated in the schedule on page 8, this time is listed on the webpage where the RFQ is posted and on the title page of the RFQ document.