Council of Officials Quarterly Meeting

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MAPA Council of Officials Meeting & Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at the Strategic Air Command and Aerospace Museum.

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The Council will receive an update on MAPA’s FY 2025 Budget & Work Program and hear from SAC Aerospace Museum CEO and retired NASA Astronaut, Mr. Clayton Anderson.

Astronaut Clayton –“Astro Clay”– Anderson, Nebraska’s only Astronaut, spent 167 days in space and 38 hours and 28 minutes in executing 6 spacewalks. He applied 15 times before NASA selected him as an Astronaut in 1998, and he spent 30 years working for NASA; 15 as an engineer and then 15 as an Astronaut.

Succeeding in one of the most difficult and coveted jobs in the world through perseverance and a never-give-up mantra, Anderson employs NASA’s “Plan, Train and Fly (Execute)” philosophy to his speaking engagements and projects. Coupled with lessons learned in the areas of leadership, persistence, teamwork, and passion, he provides unique and “out of this world” insights for those seeking to achieve results through thoughtful, practical, and successful execution.

Please join us after the meeting for a tour of the SAC Aerospace Museum!

Lunch will be provided by Attitude on Food.

Have questions or need additional support? Please reach out to Elizabeth Zeller at or 402-444-6866
