Autonomous Shuttle in Omaha
If you thought driverless vehicles were only something for the future, think again. The future is now.
Members of MAPA and Heartland 2050 staff and MAPA’s Board of Directors received a first-hand experience of how an autonomous shuttle operates by riding in one during a demonstration at the Lewis and Clark Landing in Omaha sponsored by HDR.
The Easymile EZ10, a driverless and electric shuttle, can carry up to 12 people with six seated and six standing positions. It has no steering wheel and operates by following a pre-programmed virtual line mapped and loaded in the software of the vehicle. The shuttle uses LiDar, a special radar that picks up signals through sensors to help the vehicle determine its path and place in the roadway. It can operate at speeds up to 25 miles per hour.
Easymile software technology has powered autonomous shuttles since 2008. Ligier Group manufactures the EZ10 autonomous shuttle. HDR sponsored the demonstration as part of its Technology Expo during its company Transportation conference.
The EZ10 operates in 14 countries outside the United States and in one location in Northern California on private property.