(Click for Video)

Platteview Road is an existing roadway that connects to US-75 on the east end of Sarpy County. As previous plans have indicated, Platteview Road is being considered for the location of an expressway to connect I-80 to US-75 and ultimately to I-29 in Iowa. The western connection has been discussed as connecting to I-80 anywhere from Pflug Road to 192nd Street. For this alternative, it was assumed that Platteview Road would extend straight west and could connect directly to I-80 or somehow be incorporated into the existing N-31 interchange. Various options for re-aligning N-31 and changing the priority movement south of I-80 were also discussed. One option would connect Platteview Road to I-80 with a ‘half-interchange’ where a flyover ramp would be used to go westbound on I-80 and traffic could exit I-80 to travel eastbound on Platteview Road. This option would be more of a system-to-system type interchange with local access provided through an additional interchange at Platteview Road and N-31.

Platteview Road Alternative

(Click to Expand Map)

We Need Your Input

Through ongoing coordination with study partners, input from the public, and discussions with regional stakeholders a number of Project Goals were identified to evaluate each alternative. These goals are intended to determine how the alternative benefits municipalities, encourages economic vitality and placemaking, fosters environmental sustainability, and provides for multi-modal connectivity.

In the following survey please let us know how the alternative addresses each goal (click for more information):

Contact Us

Jim Boerner
MAPA Transportation Planner
402-444-6866 x3231

Partner Agencies